Statements of Support

There is a strong body of research supporting over-the-counter (OTC) birth control pills as safe, effective, and beneficial to overall well-being—and in 2023, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an OTC daily birth control pill for the first time in US history. More than 250 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations, research and advocacy groups, youth activists, health care providers, prominent medical and health professional associations, and others have signed on to Free the Pill’s Statement of Purpose to express their commitment to our shared vision of OTC birth control pills that are fully covered by insurance, priced affordably, and available to people of all ages, identities, and backgrounds. Coalition members, medical experts, policymakers, and others have also released statements of their own highlighting the importance of expanding access to contraception through OTC birth control pills. 

Below you’ll find a collection of statements from these groups vocalizing their support for making birth control pills available OTC in the United States.