We freed the pill: Reflecting on the road to FDA approval and strategies for equitable access

The FDA approved the first-ever OTC birth control pill in the US in July 2023 and now Opill is available on shelves nationwide! This was a movement-driven win that came after two decades of research, advocacy, and partnerships to lay the groundwork for a different kind of OTC switch. To share more about the history of this movement, Free the Pill hosted part two of a webinar series, where attendees heard from key leaders who testified at the FDA advisory committee meeting and conducted research critical to achieving this victory. Watch the recording below to learn about what it took to bring the first birth control pill OTC in the US and the work ahead to ensure that Opill is equitably accessible to all.

This webinar was the second in a two-part series. You can watch part one here 


How we got here: A timeline of the movement to free the pill