Letter from Free the Pill coalition steering committee to Perrigo

We are writing to you today as leaders within the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements and members of the Free the Pill coalition’s steering committee to call for Perrigo to do everything in their power to ensure a retail price of no more than $15 for a three-month supply of Opill when it becomes available on the market later this year. We also urge Perrigo to implement a robust and accessible consumer assistance program for those who cannot afford to pay that price.

…Perrigo’s and retailers’ decision to price Opill affordably can help to combat contraceptive inequities—rooted in systemic racism and other forms of oppression—that already persist across the United States. As a result of these inequities, the communities that currently face the highest barriers to accessing contraception are often the same communities for whom a high retail price would put Opill out of reach altogether.

— Free the Pill coalition steering committee

Frequently asked questions about Opill


Comment from Ibis Reproductive Health on Request for Information: Coverage of Over-the-Counter Preventive Services